
Custom Wallpaper for Any Mobile Phone

Google,Graphics,Mobile Info

Because I am a graphics guy, my buddy asked me to make him a wallpaper for his mother-in-law’s cell phone. I needed to know her screen dimensions to make it and he didn’t know what they were. So I searched good old Google to find the dimensions and instead, I stumbled upon this great little website. This site is a great free tool to make custom wallpapers for virtually any cell phone. You can either upload your own image or link to one on the web. The phone I had to make one for has a front and inside image. The website created both images for me.

The free wallpaper tool is a great find and very easy to use.

eBay Bans Google Checkout

Google,Online Marketing,Online Retail,Technology

eBay’s Safe Payments policy states that a payment service must have a “substantial historical track record of providing safe and reliable financial and/or banking related services.”

Google’s spokesperson said yesterday, “Google Checkout is not a beta product. Google has a long history in billing and payments for AdWords and for premium services, such as Google Video.”

Okay, so Google has been processing peoples’ payments for awhile now in other areas, but for some reason, they are considered new to the game. Seriously, who doesn’t trust Google? All I know is that if Google came out with running shoes tomorrow, I would buy them because it is Google and they don’t put products out there that don’t live up to our standards.

Read the full story
Ebay’s Accepted Payment Policy
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Delete All Spam In Gmail

Computer Apps,Google,Technology

If you are like me and have a Gmail account (or more) that constantly fills up with Spam emails, this is news you have been waiting to hear. Every once in awhile, I go into my Spam folder which is innevitably full of about 1500+ spam emails. In order to clear out the folder, I always do a check all and then delete, then do the same for the next page, then the next page and so on until I am finally rid of all of those unwanted emails. Well, that long and annoying process is finally over. They have added a delete all spam email button. This is a great addition to Gmail and it will definately cut down on the email maintenance process.

Learn More at the Google Operating System Blog

NBC strikes deal with YouTube


Just months ago, NBC Universal was demanding that clips of its shows be removed from YouTube. In the time since, YouTube has emerged as an Internet tour de force, and now NBC has changed its tune.

Read the full story at CNET

Google Checkout

Google,Online Retail,Technology

Well, Google is finally rolling out its own ecommerce solution… sort of, it is more PayPal-esque than anything else. What they are offering is a place to store your purchasing information that will simplify online transactions. So how does it work? It seems really simple (I have signed up, but not purchased anything yet), but I am only going off what I have read so far.

First, you setup an account with Google Checkout, then you search through Google for what you are wanting to purchase, you will see a shopping cart icon next to results that allow Google Checkout to be used. When you locate items you would like to purchase, just add them to your cart as your normally do, then when it is time to checkout, their will be a Google Checkout Button. Click the button and then the magic happens.

I have been waiting for this to come out for awhile now, so naturally, as soon as I saw it I signed up. The only problem is, I don’t have anything to buy yet. As soon as I buy something, I will let you know how the process worked and if it is worth the time, but seriously, it’s Google, it has to be worth the time… right?

Stores that already accept Google Checkout

Google Checkout a Cost-Per-Action Model?

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