Giving Vista a Shot
I successfully installed Vista on my Intel Mac a few weeks ago. The installation went surprisingly smooth. I decided not to use Boot Camp but rather to purchase Parallels for about 80 bucks. I think it is much cooler than Boot Camp… mainly, you don’t have to reboot to pick your OS, you can actually run them both at the same time.
I have only been running with this setup for a few weeks, so I can’t give a full detailed report, but I can say it works and it is easy to setup. The main drawback so far is that my computer runs about half the speed if not a little worse when I have Vista open. I don’t have office 2007 yet, but once I do, I will use Vista more and give some more feedback.
I guess the conclusion is, Vista works just fine on a mac. I have used it to test web work in IE and Firefox on a pc and that is awesome. I can test a pc’s browsers from my mac without using some sort of emulator that never seems to be quite accurate. So if you were thinking about putting Vista on your mac, you have my seal of approval. And the best part about it… I don’t have to touch my pc anymore…