
Apple could save Blockbuster video


Imagine taking your Ipod into Blockbuster and dropping it off at the front desk. From there, it is hooked into a docking station and videos are downloaded directly to your Ipod. You then leave the store, arrive at home and dock your Ipod into your home system where the downloaded videos then play on your tv. Sounds good right? Well, as this article suggests, you are not the only one that can imagine this being possible.

I can say with certainty that this would be convenient and less wasteful, but I can also see some negatives coming out of it. Though I am not sure where this will go and how this will effect us, I do know that no matter how people obtain the videos, piracy is going to be a possibility, so hopefully, we can come to a solution that is convenient and fast and just trust that people will do the honest thing.

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